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Writer's pictureVincent Walker

POST 2 - IT Career Advise 101

Updated: Jul 22, 2022

After 9 years of being in the IT Industry, I've been privileged to be part of some amazing teams and have learnt a lot. As we all know IT has become a thriving aspect of our daily lives and it keeps on giving. Technological Convergence has become a driving force for change and with change comes opportunity and in some cases, you will come across challenges. In my experience talent should be nurtured not stifled. After years of my own experiences, I can without any doubt tell you it takes time to find your field of expertise. Don't for one minute think that it's easy! It isn't, however, that with the drive and determination, anyone can accomplish their dreams; I know that I have!

Now, you might be thinking why am I trying to preach to you and inspire you to follow your dreams, well it's pretty simple! Let me elaborate; as a species, we have been genetically designed to overcome a lot of challenges, and thinking about it we are blessed. Think of it like someone has hardwired us to not only learn from mistakes but to try and try again until we get to the objective. As you can imagine this is something that has taken years of practice but generally, it's now human nature to learn.

In my honest belief, the concept of a Job and a Career can easily be miss interpreted, think of it like this. With a Job, you go into your workplace and do the work set out for you and go home, get paid and that's it. On the other hand, a career gives you purpose, and drive and in some cases challenges you beyond any normal job and makes you want to look for more work, it almost becomes a type of addiction or if you're extremely lucky like a hobby. It also provides you with a path, which you may want to take. Equally, it can help you to fulfil a personal goal if you've set any goals.

We all need to take the time to think, about how we go forward in our careers. I've not heard of any quick start guides or cheat sheets that explain this, however, can inform you there are resources out there that should be of interest. After starting my career as an Apprentice, I've had the opportunity to be taught by some inspirational people and have tried my utmost to convey my gratitude towards those who have put time and effort into me, equally with all good leaders, I enjoy teaching others and giving them a fighting chance to pave their way to a career.

As you can see below, I've included an extremely useful link to Compita, which is a great company to work with and have a lot of qualifications that will put you in a good sted. Now as you can see from this post it appears, that I have a preference, however, this is far from the truth. I've created a Pinterest board, which I hope may be of interest. This post is should be seen to be extremely generic and isn't specific to just Security, Networking, or other types of technology.

Remember building a career takes time and it's not as simple as clicking your fingers, but with time comes experience.

I have for many years now, believed in following my moral compass. Which in recent years, means having to be assertive and doing what's right for me. However, this also means that others around me may benefit from my advice.

Remember, every single post that I publish should only ever be used as a reference. You will need to create your career path, and I hope that some of my posts will either resonate with you or may be of use to you in the future.

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