Let's get straight into it, why have a post about believing in yourself on an IT/Technology-centric blog. Well, I ask you why not?
The need to be confident and the ability to believe in yourself is something that a lot of employers look for. You might be thinking yes, but they're a lot of other aspects to an individual, and you are correct. I'm talking about believing in yourself, not in the way that most people describe it. Let me explain what I'm referring to, so traditionally believing in yourself is seen to be an internal emotion or function that some people have and practice daily. But actually, to me it's like a type of instinct, think of it like the 'Fight or Flight' panic mode, that some of us have developed over time. It's not something to be ashamed of, actually, it's one of our most enhanced instincts. A lot of you reading this will be like, I know what panic looks like and what believing in yourself looks like. And I trust you to understand your own body after all you are you.
Think of this post as a quick snippet, of what I believe. Remember, this is a belief and should only be seen to be mine, everyone thinks slightly differently.
Let's go back to my 'Fight or Flight' analogy, this particular emotion is an instinct that over centuries has developed into a type of warning. I'm going to inject an idea of a Caveman into your head, and his tribe. What I'm forgetting to tell you is the tribe are all slightly different, unique you could say! Some of the tribe are hard-wired to be cautious and believe in their instincts, others weren't so lucky and went into a dangerous situation without any thought. Let's use this time to consider, if a grizzly bear came charging toward you, would you run or fight? Well, this tells you a lot about you, I'm no professional, but belief is something that is engrained into us, we have an instinct.
Why does this matter you ask, some people can go into absolute overdrive with fear, and others are fine. But just remember you are not alone, in every walk of life you will come across people, that go through this it's a natural defensive response.
On the flip side of this post, believing in your instincts and your gut feeling is something that a lot of us forget to do, and actually, it's not always as clear-cut. But if I could shine a light on this topic, to believe in yourself, don't worry if you are scared, don't feel that people are ganging up on you, they might do and that's their issue, not yours. Remember you are key to your success, and path in life. So always remind yourself, that you are right, ok you can't always be right, otherwise, you would be seen to be narcissistic and potentially arrogant, but reassure yourself as no one else will.
This is your life we are talking about not the postman, not your manager's yours. Own it and make your path, it will take time and courage, but always be true to yourself.
Anyway, that's enough not me rambling on, just go and enjoy life, be yourself. Always be curious, positively challenge people and learn.